About Us

Five Airways is an international Air Services company based in, and operating from Europe. Five Airways has been founded by a group of Aviation professionals and Industry captains in the fields of risk management and business development. Following an extended assignment in Asia in 2010, and after extensive business development discussions with many different international companies and government organizations in China during the Shanghai World Expo 2010, the partners came to a conclusion that there was a niche to be filled by an air services company that functioned differently to the industry standards of today. Thus was born the concept of Five Airways. Operating under the brand name Five Airways, Five Airways provides a unique series of services to the industry with the objective of developing the air transport experience. As we are not adjoined to a flag, our worldwide locations enable us to function seamlessly and transparently through the market providing a much improved and competitive service level that further pushes the boundaries of air transport with a positive eye to the future.


The next time you want to fly, think carefully, think of what the market offers you, then convince yourself you're looking for better. Give us a try ! We're so proud to say that all those that have said "why not" have flown with us again and again, that we made "why not" our slogan !... Let us welcome you aboard your next Five Airways flight soon.

Five Airways aims to provide passenger and freight services in worldwide markets as a charter operator until our scheduled airline plans are in place. Our primary objective is to obtain as many transport contracts as possible and service them with the Five Airways brand.

Five Airways is available to meet all your Warzone and Hotspot, Medevac and Evacuation Needs.


See our Company Profile.








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